In 1870 (on December 8th) a meeting was convened under the chairmanship of John
Wright esq, where the Rector, Rev. J.Green, explained the New Elementary Education Act
which was due to come into force in 1871. The aims were that all children should be
educated between the ages of five and thirteen years. The school was opened on
November 15th 1871.
1877 Following a Church service and a visit to the new school 200 people sat down to a
celebration tea.
1887 August. The Infants were brought down to join the school. This made a total of 118 in the school.
1889 Mr Owen, the Headteacher, records the receipt of a new stove (much needed).
1893 September. Work started on the New Infant Room. The work meant that the toilet block was relocated to its present position.
1910 The Main Room was divided by a partition.
1912 October. Gas lighting replaced the paraffin lamps.
1926 There was an offer of a field at £2 p.a. to be used as a playing field. This is the present field.
1935 Electric light replaced the gas lights.
1939 The Rectory Room was brought into use, and a shift system introduced to help educate evacuees from Manchester.
1944 A Canteen was opened in the Rectory Room.
1956 The Yard was asphalted.
1958 The School became a Primary School on the opening of Hope Valley College.
1963 Due to excavations associated with a new village sewerage scheme the water pipe to the school was exposed and froze up on 22nd January during the severe winter. It remained frozen until March 18th, and during this time hot water for the canteen, cold water for flushing the toilets, topping up the central heating cistern, and for general purposes was carried from Dale House by the staff.
1967 A new boiler was fitted.
1968 A TV set was provided.
1998 Rectory Room restored.
1999 At last, through a government initiative, the new toilet block opened. Eyam School enters the new millennium without mass spider infestation, without crumbling plaster on the walls, and with cisterns that flush when required.
Conditions of work.
24th October 1895 School not properly warmed before arrival of scholars. Main Room 40ºF. Infants Room 44ºF. Heating is still a problem in 1998.
30th September 1894 A number of children in first class away blackberrying.
16th July 1885 63 present only - a great many in the hay.
8th June 1886 A number absent today - gone to the sheep wash to help their parents.
1st November 1891 A number of children absent hunting with the harriers.
1st March 1900 Closed for the afternoon to celebrate the Relief of Ladysmith.
28th January 1935 School closed on the occasion of the funeral of His Majesty George V.
7th April 1902. Drill in the school yard by Mr J.Twigg - ex soldier. (To be repeated weekly).
19th November 1884 A great many children absent through sickness. Several have Scarletina. Have used carbolic acid and tape cresoline as disinfectants.
January 1887 Measles and diphtheria.
7th November 1898 R.D.San. Authority gave notice for closure of the school for fumigation to take place to combat scarlet fever.
February 1907 Exclusion for ringworm.
17th June 1920 School Dentist visited from 10.30 to 11.15.
February 1929 Flu epidemic.
September 1954 2 cases of whooping cough.
4th November 1970 Mrs Bridges attended to conduct audio screening (beginning of a new regular service).
6th May 1884 Had occasion to punish A.S. for stupidity.
16th February 1885 Punished J.P., C.U. and F.G. also G.B., E.S., and E.C. for misbehaviour.
5th August 1886 Punished C.D. for disobedience.
7th February 1889 Had occasion to punish R.P. for insolence to E.B. He offered a written apology to her and to me.
Anecdotes from the Annals of Eyam School - 1870 onwards
by Paul Black