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Eyam Village Club:

Welcome to the Eyam Village Club located at the Mechanics Institute at the heart of our Historic Village.

We are the focal point for a whole range of local village activities from weekly keep fit, craft and social activities to monthly film nights, Village Society meetings to annual events including the Eyam Village Show in August, the Pantomime in January and Open Gardens in the summer. We are available for hire for day time and evening events. Do contact us on 01433 631597 for more information.

Upstairs we have a bar and lounge which is open 6 days a week from 7.30pm. Come along and join us for a drink and a chat, a game of snooker or darts.

Membership of the Village Club is just £5 per year with concessions available. 

We rely on fund raising to maintain and improve the fabric of the building and many of our annual events contribute towards these funds.

The hall is used regularly for dancing classes, keep fit, pilates, yoga, and by village groups such as the Village Society, Brownies, Youth Club, and Bingo and for fund raising events such as table top sales, jumble sales, coffee mornings as well as the Village Show and the Pantomime. The hall is available for hire when available.

The licensed club room is open Monday to Saturday from 7:30 to 11:00pm and is used by the snooker and darts teams on a regular basis and for other social events with an adjacent committee room available for meetings.

The Village Club Committee meets once a month and is responsible for ensuring that the Institute is run for the benefit of the Village. The cost of running and maintaining the building continually escalates and so the committee is constantly in the business of raising funds and with many organisations within the village hiring the facilities the institute remains viable.

the mechanics

Contact us:


The Mechanics, Church Street, Eyam, S32 5QH,(opposite the church.)


01433 631597

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Hire us:


Why not hold your event at the Mechanics? We are available for hire during the day and evening.

Contact us on 01433 631597 or fill in the form by clicking here to discuss your requirements. 

Join us:


You can join the club when you next visit or by downloading this form and sending it to us

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Eyam Village

in the Peak District

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