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Village A-Z:

Bakewell and Eyam Community Transport

Dial-a-Bus Scheme. Phone 01629 641920

Brownies and Guides

Details here


Regular bus services link Eyam with Sheffield, Chesterfield, Bakewell and Buxton. Follow the link for timetable details.

Church Street Stores

General Stores open weekdays, 10.30-1 and 3.30 - 6.302. Weekends 11-6. Located on Church Street. Phone 01433 631936.

Country Store

Fresh fruit and vegetables open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10-2. Located on the corner of Main Road and Hawkhill Road. Phone 07730 028877.


Two defibrillators are located in the village, one in the old phone box in The Square and on the wall of the Museum. In the event of a suspected cardiac arrest, the 999 operator will give instructions on their use.

Doctors Surgery

Open Mon-Fri, follow link for details.

Eyam Together Creates

Craft group meets on Thursdays at the Mechanics.

Fun Swim for Eyam Children

First Sunday of each month 12:45 - 1:45 at Bakewell Swimming pool


Movies at the Mechanics

Films will be shown on the second Tuesday of each Month.

Football Club

Our men's team (18 years old and upwards) plays in the Hope Valley League. Training sessions are Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm. New players are always welcome. For further information contact Sue Grant on 01433 631871.

Garden Group

Usually meets at 8pm on the second Monday of the month at Eyam Tea Rooms. Further information from a member of the committee: Rachel (639222), Kym (07709 013098), Andy (208562) or Lorna (01433-639635).

Grindleford & Eyam Playgroup

is a small, friendly Peak village pre-school based in Grindleford. We offer a personal, family orientated experience for local children aged 2‐4. We focus on learning through play with a strong emphasis on the natural environment and outdoor activities.

Library/Book Exchange

In the committee room at the Mechanics Institute there is a small selection of paperback novels to borrow or exchange. Open Mon-Sat evenings.

Member of Parliament

Sarah Dines is the Derbyshire Dales MP, she can be contacted at:

Mums, Dads and Tots

Monday Mornings in the Church Centre (term time only) From 10.00-11.30 am Come along for a cuppa and biscuits and meet other local parents.

Music for the Mind

A friendly gathering to sing and chat with older people in mind. This group is particularly supportive for those for whom aging has become difficult and also for their carers. Takes place on the third Thursday of the month at the Church Centre from

2-3.30pm. Contact 01433 631049 or 01433 631020.


Ladies meet at Eyam School every Tuesday at 7pm. All welcome whether you can play or not - it's for fun and fitness. Contact Lynn on 01433 639944.

Parish Council

Meets Monthly. Minutes are posted on the noticeboard outside the Mechanics.


Parish Magazine

A monthly magazine full of church and community news. £6 p.a. Contact the Church office to subscribe

Post Office

On Main Street open Mon-Fri 9 to 11 and 3 -5.30 and Saturday mornings

Primary School

Located on Church Street in the heart of the village, details here.

Eyam Book Club

Meets on the first Monday of the month at 19:30; the location varies within the village each month. For more information, contact Lorna Clarkson on 0773630427

Rubbish Collections

General waste and recycling are collected alternate weeks. Follow the link to check the next collection.

St Lawrence Church

The parish church lies at the heart of the village and the community. Contact the office on 01433 630930.

School PTFA

Active fundraising and social group, follow on Facebook for the latest information or contact  -

Sports Association

Fund raises and organises events. Contact: Peter on 01433 630851.

Street Elite

Youth group meets on Thursdays 7.30-9.00pm in the Mechanics' Institute in winter and in the Sports Pavilion in summer. Further information from Elaine on 01433 631597

Third Thursday Sing-a-Long

Bring your instruments, a song, or just come and listen. From 8.30pm. Contact 01433 631049 or

Ukelele Session

Everyone welcome to this session including beginners. We sing as we play in this very supportive group. We meet Fridays at 7pm at the Mechanics. Contact 01433 631049 or

Village Society

Meets every two months in the Mechanics' Institute at 7.30pm on Tuesdays when invited speakers give talks on subjects of local interest. Contact Annette on 01433 631049 or


Walking Groups

Separate men's and women's walking groups meet every Tuesday opposite Eyam Hall at 9.30am

Woolly Wednesdays

An informal, social group meets weekly for wool, crafts, cake and chat. All abilities welcome, advice and assistance given. Contact Rachel on 07740 856034.

Village Society

The Eyam village society has a full program of events for 2022. Details of the events can be found on the village calendar,

Eyam Church April 2014.jpg
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Eyam Village

in the Peak District

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